
On our TTC Journey!

Trying to get pregnant Journey has been HARD! There are times when I think will  I ever hold a baby in my arms? I have no problem getting pregnant its staying that way! With the Holidays on the way I want to try and have the best Christmas I can! Its going to be hard! considering there is a lot of kids on both sides of the family! I have a hard time being around kids! I am fine in the moment and then when me and my hubby  leave I have the hardest time dealing with the fact that I cant stay pregnant! I have a appointment with doctor this coming thursday! To find out that I might if I have PCOS! I just really need some answers! ~Jessica~

Its almost been a year:)

I cant believe that its already been a year! 6 days till our One Year Anniversary! I am very excited we are going to spend the weekend up on Park City! Its going to be a great weekend! Friday till monday! Whoot whoot! Super excited! I love you baby its been the best year yet!


"I have been trying to pin point ovulation since the MC But its been crazy! Ive had two periods in one month and my period this month already and this last period was really painful...:) which is a good thing cuz I know now I can start pin pointing my ovulation! Its been a while since I have had a period like this! So has anyone else had this problems after MC? Im so confused!"

Missing something I Never Seen!

Me and my husband were more then excited when we found out that we were going to be bringing New Life into out lives we have been trying for 3 years and knowing I could get pregnant was a blessing :)  Shortly after the long wait of getting pregnant we lost the baby! To my surprise sooner then we thought! I was 8 1/2 weeks when I went in for my first appointment and the baby has stopped growing at 5 1/2 weeks I will never understand Why us? Why this baby when so many people go on to have a wonderful pregnancy and a great life! I almost think that my life isnt ment to be ok that something always has to stop be from being happy! I know that god has a reason for everything I just do not understand why now why us after trying for so long! I have not given up hope for the day that we do bring are little one into this world I just feel like that time is far away ! 


After a long 3 years........... Tyler and I are finally pregnant!! I found out may 20th:) All I can say Is Im so EXCITED! So is Tyler I think that he is more in shock then I am! I will keep everyone updated:) pictures are sure to come once I start showing:)


I have to say me and Tyler have a very strong bond! Stronger then I would have imagined that I would have with anyone else! We get through everything, When the going gets tough we always seem to swim above and figure everything out! I know that God brought him into my life for a reason and I have thanked him for that so many times! I guess you can say Tyler has brought a lot of good out in me! In found MY INNER NERD:) hhahahaha! That has always been there but going through life you find yourseld losing you and being able to find myself again and coming out on top is wonderful:) I need to get tyler on here so that he can post some stuff I have told him about it.. but you know men lol! Well I just wanted everyone to know that know matter how hard life gets will always come out on top:) Just keep the faith keep praying and it will all work out ~Jessica Metz

Stress Life and Trying to get Pregnant!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Life has been Crazy lately starting a new job,Trying to concieve our first baby..... Its been nuts, I cant begin to explain the stress and of work.. I have never been bad at anything and this job I have now and I almost feel like I am failing at what i am doing now...I really need to go back to school and get a career! Most all my friends have already went and are done what can i say i am a late starter lol! My need for a baby is getting worse with everyday! I hope and pray that I can get pregnant but we have been trying for  almost 2 years, I am sure that it will happen its just the timing... Everyone please Pray for me!!!