
Showing posts with the label saddness

Easter Weekend ....

So I am sitting here thinking that If Kloie was here We would be taking her to her first Easter Egg hunt, It makes me really sad:( I forgot how excited i was to take to to this easter egg hunt! I hate Holidays lately!! I try to forget them but its hard! I am just hoping that I find the Strength to get through this weekend. Tonight Me and the Hubby are going to Boondocks to have some fun with some Couple friends i think that its going to be really fun:) I am super excited! Get my mind off stuff for a bit! Anyhow  I got some Test results back from my RE and there all NORMAL:) My blood type is kinda weird though its not completely Negative but not a True Positive Either so I was still need Rohgam in Pregnancy! I am starting to wonder if this issue is why I had to early losses? I am really happy that i am seeing this Dr she has told me things that i never knew about myself and she Actually Explains them well to were i understand it!  I am hoping that we are Pregnant by the end of...

Relaxing...Much NEEDED Mental Health day.

Today I took a much needed Mental health day:D it was really nice i just Lounged around and did some laundry, My dogs were confused because there used to us being gone all week:D haha, it was nice to be able to spend some extra time with them today as well. As far as TTC goes I am to my WITS end with everything i feel like if we are not pregnant within this cycle i will TRY BUT NOT PREVENT METHOD and focus on my Weight loss. Considering its my Weight that has caused most of the Issues with getting pregnant itself. Any who i hope EVERYONE had a HAPPY HUMP DAY:D And are looking forward to the weekend:D xoxo ~Jessica~

Thank you EVERYONE:D

I really Appreciate all the people that are following my Blog and being supportive, its Not easy dealing with Infant loss, miscarriage, and now having issues trying to get pregnant again. I would not wish this on my worst ENEMY its so hard to deal with day by day. I have finally gotten out of the stage of every time i smile its a "fake" smile and and starting to truly feel happy for everything that i have right now in my life, its just hard at times as you all can tell. I do appreciate all the kind words and support again like i have said the more support the better:D. I am really hoping for a good turn out this cycle but unfortunately for some reason i just don't have a good feeling about it maybe because we have tried so many cycles already. Hopefully in in a few weeks I have good news to give you all:D If not there are many more months to come and hope in the Future:D xoxo ~Jessica~

7 Months Since Losing Kloie....

Life has been very crazy the past 7 months i honestly could not tell you how i have functioned with out my sweet angel here with me, I remember the day so clearly, and every detail as well not that i want to forget but i do wish there was something some days to ease the pain a little, no one will ever understand what i am going through unless they have been through this themselves, its a pain like no other and a yearning for something that you simply can not have, even if your so close to the finish line, I never thought that i would have the strength to get through what i have gotten through with the help of this new group i found called SHARE PARENTS:D its been amazing, i have met so many wonderful people that i most likely would not have met, I now do not feel so alone, although there are times when i wake up in the middle of the night and feel like i am missing something and then i remember i am sure that feeling will ease with time as well as the pain, i still can not believe that...