
RE update:)

I went for my RE appointment today:) ALL Genetics Testing for me came back NORMAL:) That had me really happy! Also My eggs are growing just fine, I am doing a trigger shot this cycle which will release all my Mature eggs." The shots are $105.00 a piece which is tough but I figure that if it helps me bring home and Healthy Baby I will be happy! I am praying that this is the month and that we CATCH a good egg this time:) Please pray for me and my husband I would like more then ever for this baby. ~Jessica~

Cleaning and relaxing day:)

I have been cleaning and relaxing today:) I worked 4 hours of Overtime this morning. Gotta work for that dollar! I plan on trying to get my house Spotless this weekend! I can not take it anymore:( ..I also am trying this new BBQ chicken recipe tonight:) Super excited about it! We plan on trying again right away after the last loss:) I don't think that waiting is going to do anything. :) I am just going to try to do the same thing that we did last month:) Any who just wanted to update:) Life today seems Wonderful and Its the happiest I have been in a long time:) I also have my Follicle Ultra sound Monday:) so will see how that goes:) I will update after that appointment. ~Jessica~

One Year Older......

My 26th birthday was ok:) We went and celebrated it on saturday so yesterday was not much of anything besides a reminder that I am one year older and one year without a baby still:(  I am grateful for everything that god has given me but its been very hard! I hope that this year next time i am not adding another entry for being with a baby.  I am so grateful for my job and for all my new friends that I have met at work:) I enjoy my job:)  Anywho just wanted to to put a update on telling everyone I got through my birthday Barely but I did :) ~Jessica!

Birthday Weekend:)

Today has been very bitter sweet for me :( . I started M/Cing today and the Reality of it came full swing. I am sad but in a since it gave me hope for what is to come, I really hope that we get a Rainbow baby sometime:) but for now I am going to enjoy my time with Tyler and watching are relationship Expand:) Tonight we are going to Fat cats and eating at the Pizza Factory:) So excited I am really hoping that I can make it through tonight I have been very sore today:( But I have had this planned for a few weeks and really want to go:) On another note I cant believe that I am going to be 26 on the 19th its insane how fast the years go by. Its a bitter sweet reminder for me. It just tells me how long we have been TTC:(  I really know in my heart that we will bring home are Rainbow one day but COME ON you know! Sometimes I question god on why he keeps doing this to me. And then out of every loss I remember and some how I remember why we are doing this and it gives me hope. Any wh...

Another Loss :(

I can't believe that this is are 4th loss, Even though this baby didn't really make it far. OR even at all I know this much I know I was pregnant. I didn't really get my hopes up:( Sadly.. And I am actually handling it pretty well. Its insane what 2 loss before this and then having to give birth to my Sweet Kloie Lynn will do to you:( ... I feel pretty numb ALL TOGETHER! My RE is very nice and caring about this whole process, She is Pretty sure that issues are going to work themselves out:) I am pretty sure one day we will have are Rainbow baby and will be able to have these experiences. To all that have stuck by me through this thank you so much, Also my angel mom's I LOVE help me get through so much and I appreciate all that you do for me:) xoxo ~Jessica~

Postive then a Negative?

I usually don't post twice a day but the need to vent is needed. I got what i thought was a faint positive yesterday. And today the test i took was negative. I am having a hard time with this TTC thing this sucks and i don't know how much more i can take!!! AAAHHH I just want to scream:( !!! ~Jessica~

Wait and waiting.

I am waiting to see if this cycle worked. I am really hoping that this treatment works :)   I don't want to have to pay more money to get IUI's and even maybe IVF? I just cant do something that I am not sure will work and put out that much money! On a Awesome note I have raised $75.00 for Now you lay be down to sleep :) for my Birthday wish:)  I am so happy that I have raised this much so far :) and hope that i can raise much much more:) Its amazing the feeling of Giving no matter how small! I went and met with a physic Medium who gave me much Comfort on  where Kloie Lynn is and now I know that she is Safe and with someone I feel very comforted to hear she is with:) I will update as soon as i can :) and let all you all know if the treatment worked:)  I would appreciate the ones that read  my blog and support Tyler and I :) ~Jessica!