
Showing posts from February, 2012

Feeling refreshed :)

These past few days have been great:D I have decided to take the rest of my loa in order to make me better, And I have to say its working:) I feel much much better :) Just wanted to post a little update:) We also have a appointment with a reproductive specialist :) march 27th I am very excited :) -Jessica

When you lose a baby <3

You don’t know what to expect. People surround you. For a couple of weeks. Making sure you are not going to kill yourself, refuse to get out of bed, or start rocking a baby doll like the crazy lady they heard about from a friend. You get lots of sympathy cards, clearly written and designed to be sent to console a daughter losing her father. Not the other way around. You get free baby formula in the mail. For months and months and months. And free baby magazines. And free baby coupons. You secretly envy every pregnant woman. But not without a tinge of guilt, because you know all too well that she might be one in four- expecting her rainbow child. It seems like the whole world is expecting a baby. You have baby stuff around your home. Because you never imagined you wouldn’t need it. You feel jarred. In the grocery store. At a birthday party. At the dinner table. At Christmas. Driving. The baby you never knew, but lost changes every part of your life. Every. single. part...

Feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world again :)

Life has been amazing, we finally got a financial break:) which we have needed for ALONG TIME, I got caught up on all are bills :) and even look at this necklaces that will print kloies exact foot print on to them:) I really wanna get a few for my closd family :) ... I get to test in about a week for pregnancy :) I am really hoping this cycle, will see:) I am taking my husband up to park city for valentines day tomorrow night :) just for the night :) it will be really fun, I am so excited to just spend time with him and see beautiful park city in the winter I always go in the summer lmao :) I have also have lost 13 lbs since January 9th:) I love it am starting to feel so much better;) I tell you low carb diet :) Love you all xoxoxo Goodnight all -Jessica Do you ladies have any plans for valentines day? -Jessica

Time off work ...

I have taken a couple weeks off work in order to get myself together and hope that things In Tyler and my life start working out I often question god at these times asking why me ...but know that everything In life happens for a reason:) I am trying to put together a service project for kloie for her birthday may 2nd if anyone has any ideas let me know:) my new anti depressant is starting to work wonders and my body is actually doing what it's supposed to as far as ovulating goes :) I just hope that soon its are turn to bring home are rainbow baby :) Thank you all for on going support and courage you have all given me through this :) -Jessica