
Showing posts from October, 2012

Surgery on Friday <3

I am having surgery On Friday the 26th :/ Its called a Metroplasty, Thank god its a pretty easy surgery and everything should go smoothly. The Pros to this surgery is better then the con's the only crappy thing is we can TTC (Try to conceive.) tell January you have to give your Uterus time to heal and also I have to do a Hormone therapy. I am nervous of course but will get over it I am sure:) I will update everyone after the surgery Friday:) Love you all and know that I thank you for all support given:) ~Jessica~

New house..and updates:)

So we have moved into are house :) most things are set up and some are still getting started :) I feel like it takes forever to get everything where it needs to go. I will be having surgery on October 26th for my Uterus, to get rid of my heart shape in my uterus. My doctor said that i am the 50% of the people she don't have answers for. :( Its hard! My worst nightmare coming true! I really wish that we had more answers! :( But I have to keep telling myself that this is all a blessing in some way. Also this month is Infant Loss awareness month. October 15th @ 7:00 p.m please Light a candle for babies you have lost people you know that have lost babies! I thank you all that have supported us in this Trial.  Its been rough and for those who don't understand I don't ask you to I just ask for support! :) PLEASE REMEMBER LIGHT THAT CANDLE 7:00 P.m October 15th:) Also tomorrow is the Walk of Remembrance:) I am so excited I will post pictures asap. ~Jessica