Life with Angel babies!

I thought that I Would write a update as it has been a while! A lot of things have happened since my last update! We got pregnant in August:) So EXCITED!! But this pregnancy is nothing like Kloies, There have been Lots more Trips to the ER and scares ups and downs and lastly more then likely a down.

We have a appointment today with my RE to see what is going on but the last time we seen Baby babies heart rate was really slow:( my heart is breaking, I was so excited I don't understand WHY US? Why do I have to be the one with all these issues:(
Everyone around me as been more then Helpful and supportive but not ONE of them know what I am going through unless you are a PAL or Angel mom:( . Its so hard and this road I would not wish on my WORST enemy this is the WORST pain a mother has to go through! We have done all the testing we have gotten no answers "EVERYTHING IS NORMAL" is what I keep being told!! Its so annoying! And makes this whole thing worse! . Anyway I have a appointment today with my RE to check on everything one last time before a decision is made. I Will update then.



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