My life is some what whole again:)

I did my Trigger shot thursday:) And I am hoping that we Catch a good EGG :) and Sperm this cycle! I have had a pretty awesome weekend, I got to see my nephews after 7 years. (Its a really long story.) Zak is now 11 almost 12 and Ricky just turned 8. Its hard when the last time that I seen them they were 4 and 1. Its ok though because now I know it will be a Permanate relationship. I missed them so much and it eases the pain of my own losses seeing them. I know that there not my kids but there my blood and it helps. I love them. We are getting them for a few hours next saturday as well :) I am SOO EXCITED we are going to the movies yay!
This weather has been insane as well :( I wish that it wasent so burning out outside! I am dying lol! I get to test for pregnancy on July 16th hopfully I have a good update for everyone! I am scared and excited all at the same time:)

Thank you all again for your on going support I really Appreciate all of you.



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